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Case Studies | Damages | Civil Mediation Successfully Reached by Our Firm's Client!

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Article 184 of the Civil Code (Compensation for Tortious Acts): A person who, intentionally or negligently, unlawfully infringes upon the rights of another person shall be liable for damages. The same applies to those who intentionally cause harm to others in a manner contrary to good morals.

Article 195 of the Civil Code (Compensation for Emotional Distress): If a person's body, health, reputation, freedom, credit, privacy, chastity, or other personal legal interests are unlawfully infringed upon, and the circumstances are severe, the victim may claim compensation even if there is no financial loss. If the victim’s reputation is harmed, they may also request appropriate measures to restore their reputation.

Facts and Reasons


The client in this case had been secretly recording for a long time due to significant life stress. However, this was not out of any serious malicious intent, such as satisfying sexual desires, but rather for the purposes of documenting the work environment to improve work conditions, fulfill personal achievements, and relieve stress. The recordings were eventually discovered at the workplace, leading to civil and criminal claims for damages and emotional distress compensation. (For the protection of the client’s rights, some case details have been adjusted or omitted. For reference or to view detailed case files, please visit the Judicial Yuan's judgment system.)

Case Outcome


After the incident, the client demonstrated a positive attitude, took full responsibility for their mistake, and cooperated with the police investigation in the criminal case. They voluntarily sought medical treatment and deleted the recordings, sincerely apologizing to the other party and expressing willingness to provide compensation. The client also lost their job as a result of the incident. With the assistance of our firm’s lawyers, a successful settlement was reached with the other party.

Handling Lawyers: Attorney Huang Shih-Han and Attorney Su Ting-Hsuan