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| Drugs | Transporting Schedule II Drugs, Confession Seeking Probation


Case Background


Due to debt problems and the need to support his family, Xiao De urgently needed cash. A friend, aware of his situation, offered him an illicit opportunity, asking Xiao De to assist in transporting and concealing packages containing Schedule II drugs, with the promise of a substantial reward. After much consideration, Xiao De ultimately decided to take the risk. Once his friend smuggled the drugs into the country, they disguised the drugs as goods and helped transport them to downstream buyers. However, the police eventually uncovered the operation, and Xiao De, filled with regret, sought our firm's help, hoping that the lawyer could provide a defense and express his remorse to the court.

Court: Probation Ruling


Upon investigation, it was found that Xiao De provided a detailed account of all criminal activities during the investigation and offered critical information that helped the police successfully apprehend other suspects involved. According to Article 17, Paragraph 2 of the Drug Control Act, a person who confesses during both the investigation and subsequent trials can have their sentence reduced. Furthermore, Xiao De had always engaged in legitimate work and was the primary breadwinner for his family. His actions were a result of momentary poor judgment, and he has since deeply reflected on his mistakes. Factors such as the defendant's conduct, character, and lifestyle are considered in sentencing. If the individual has been engaged in lawful work, it indicates a high potential for correction and reintegration into society. Given that Xiao De is likely to reintegrate smoothly into society, his risk of reoffending is low. A long-term prison sentence would contradict the purpose of special prevention in criminal punishment. Therefore, Xiao De's sentence should be reduced according to the law.

With the assistance of our firm's lawyer, the court recognized that Xiao De had no prior criminal record. Although his actions were inappropriate, he confessed to his crimes during the investigation and trial processes, and he voluntarily provided information about the origins of the drugs and other relevant details, clearly showing remorse. His sincere attitude indicated that he is unlikely to reoffend after going through the investigation and trial of this case. Referring to Article 74, Paragraph 1, Item 1 of the Criminal Code, which allows for probation if a person has been sentenced to imprisonment for more than two years but less than five years and it is deemed appropriate not to execute the sentence, the court granted Xiao De probation.

[Continue Reading: Drugs | How Many Years Can You Get for Drug Trafficking? It's Not Too Late to Seek Probation!]

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