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| Cross-Border Case | Mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau Residents Owning Property in Taiwan Find Selling Troublesome!

In recent times, one of our clients from Hong Kong who had purchased property in the southern part of Taiwan many years ago found themselves in need of selling the property due to financial requirements. However, the process of selling the property, including negotiations, signing contracts, transferring ownership, and the handover process, proved to be lengthy and cumbersome. Often, they had to fly to Taiwan just to handle one of these procedures, causing significant inconvenience.

To simplify the entire process, the client entrusted our firm with the full authority to handle all aspects of selling the property.
We are pleased to announce that the property has been successfully sold. Throughout the process, from negotiating terms with the buyer, reviewing and discussing sales contracts, confirming tax and transfer procedures, to the final property handover and payment settlement, our team at Deloitte handled every step. Additionally, we conducted video conferences with the client for each procedural stage.
Following the completion of all anti-money laundering reporting and taxation procedures, and after confirming that the funds could be legally remitted outside of Taiwan, our team at Deloitte efficiently transferred the sale proceeds to our client in Hong Kong, relieving them of the hassles associated with complex procedures.
If you or anyone you know encounters similar challenges, please feel free to contact us. Deloitte Legal is your best representative in Taiwan!